I believe~

I believe in God.  I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that everything happens when it’s supposed to.  I believe that our lives are lived too quickly and that we rarely take time to appreciate all our blessings.  I believe that people judge too quickly and jump to early to conclusions.  I believe in being trustworthy and honest.  I believe the power to forgive is the greatest ability we have.  I believe that we are made for a purpose and you should spend your life fulfilling that purpose.  I believe everyone has at least one great big gift that God gave them, for a specific reason, and that they should embrace it.  I believe that those who decide one day to serve our country have a special bone in them that gives them bravery and courage that not everyone can fathom.  I believe that to be dependable can be a persons greatest attribute.  I believe in being on time.  I believe in love and that its out there for everyone.  I believe that friendships take work but are worth all the effort.  I believe that the best relationships are built on common ground.  I believe that family should both make you who you are and be the most important thing you have.  I believe that God doesn’t always give us what we want but will always give us what we need.  I believe that nothing is impossible through faith and that I can do all things through Him who give me strength.  I believe that living a life you can be proud of will be the greatest legacy you leave behind, along with the children you’ve made and raised.  I believe that after this… there’s more.  And that’s what heaven is.

I believe that without solid and consistent faith, a whole lot of hope, and an abundance of love, a person’s life is missing something wonderful.  I hope you know what you believe in and that you stay true to who you are, because if there’s one thing you should definitely believe in, it’s yourself, and I’d say that’s a perfect place to start.

There’s something about springtime that makes everyone smile more.  The sun peeks out from behind the clouds and the teeth seem to do the same behind our lips.  People start to inhabit the sidewalks, frequent the local patios, and enjoy the sunshine on their decks.  The outdoor baseball games at Target field definitely add to the excitedment and buzz around my current city, and I couldn’t be happier to see poeple out and about supporting their hometown heros in their Twins uniforms. 

People plan things.  They do their spring cleaning and plant seeds in their gardens.  They wait for the rain to make the grass green and the flowers more beautiful.  I love spring.  It’s a perfect time of year.

No matter what this spring brings for you or where your summer will take you, I hope you’ll take the time to appreciate the blessings in your life.  If I can urge you to do something, I say you make a list of the things you value, things you depend on, and the things you believe in.  If I’ve learned one thing since last spring, its that these things I believe have helped to make me who I am and who I knew I always wanted to be.  So, figure out what’s important to you and where your faith lies, and I’m sure you’ll end up exactly where you want to be.

Lots of love to those who are graduating this week, getting married this summer, and just making strides in their lives. 

Look forward to my last post of my freshman year of life… As it’s May and the school year is ending, so is my freshman year of real life, and I’m happy to report that things are going better than I’d ever though they would.  Post to follow within the next week. 🙂

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